Tuesday, August 9, 2011

TIPS Tuesdays: What's Sweet about that Treat?**

Here's a well-intentioned piece in iVillage that brings to the fore some common mis-perceptions about foods, and how much sugar they really have. I recommend trotting through this slide-show. Very important! However, it conflates the effects of, say, orange juice, with Kettle Corn and Cheerios--one contains natural sugar, which plays much less havoc with one's blood sugar, while the latter contain processed sugars, i.e. refined carbs.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again--it's great that folks are sugar-intake conscious, but an apple (or 100% apple juice) as a food remains different from Kellog's Apple Jacks.The former are NERC*-ready; the latter is definitely not. By all means, reduce sugar intake. But, even better: reduce your consumption of products containing processed sugar.

*Not Eating Refined Carbs

**I'm considering using my revolutionary 'breadless stuffing' from a few weeks ago, in altered form, to create Jalapeno Poppers for Scrumptious (formerly Satiated) Saturdays...stay tuned.

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