Thursday, August 11, 2011

THEMATIC Thursdays: Back to the Future...

"Paleo." "Caveman." These are the diets sweeping dieting culture, in part because, much like the NERC diet of this blog, these regimes eliminate processed, packaged and refined foods--including refined carbs, a cause dear to my heart. These diets (sometimes) emphasize whole, uncooked grains, seeds, berries and certain fruits and meats, although the latter is usually limited (tough to catch that water-buffalo with a spear...).

That said, there are differences. The editor of's Low Carb Diet page reconnoitered the whole space while attending the Ancestral Health Symposium, an impressive-sounding conclave that basically explores the trend mentioned above.

I'm always curious about how grains and other carbohoydrates are treated in these diets, because, for my money, regulating blood-sugar is a major challenge--all the more so, because modern existence inherently cuts down on physical activity, and 'burn-off' that active humans of yore engaged in--allowing them a little more leeway in the amounts of carbohydrates they could ingest--processed or unprocessed.

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