Thursday, August 25, 2011

THEMATIC Thursdays: NERC* Diet Fights Age-Related Ailments

AttributionShare Alike Some rights reserved by Vincent van der Pas
Although it's not news that consuming refined-carbohydrates ages you, supplemental research in this area is coming out all the time. Recently, National Public Radio reported Jay Olshansky, a professor at the University of Illinois (Chicago) School of Public Health, saying that the basic advice hasn't changed: " more fruits and vegetables." Moreover, a study from just a few years back, authored by a Tufts University researcher, noted that high glycemic-index foods (e.g. sugar, many processed foods, breads) contributed to vision loss after age 50, for a significant percentage of adults.

Need some basic info about flour and sugar intake? This article does a pretty good job of explaining the basics of refined carbs (bad) versus complex carbs (good), and how sugar speeds up a natural aging process in the body called glycation, which among other things, causes skin-wrinkling.

*Not Eating Refined Carbs

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