Wednesday, March 7, 2012

AltSweet THEME: Evaporated Cane Juice Not So Juicy

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So, lots of companies have switched from high fructose corn syrup or white sugar to something called 'evaporated cane juice' (EVJ). It sounds nutritive, ain't. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers the word 'juice' to be mis-used in this way, but has never--to my knowledge--issued a directive forbidding companies from using the word.

Meanwhile, EVJ is really no better than white sugar, according to many sources. And, it's pretty high on the glycemic index, meaning it has a dramatic effect on blood sugar, which makes controlling appetite, food intake and weight, difficult. Look for 'unsweetened' products, wherever you can find them. Almond milk and soy milk usually come in 'unsweetened' varieties, although the big sellers have evaporated cane juice--check the labels. Because it is less processed than bleached, white, crystalline, sugar, some insist it's a healthy alternative; it's really not, once you dig deeper.

Unprocessed sweeteners, like agave and honey, remain better glycemic choices. Those choices are expertly discussed, along with helpful info about refined and unrefined carbs at The Franklin Institute. These natural sweeteners will always be more expensive, at least in the U.S., where corn and sugar cane growers are subsidized in a number of ways through the tax code, legislation and federal agriculture policy. There's always fresh fruit in season, for a dose of complex carbs...

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